Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What am I doing today?

Not as busy as I have been...

-Arabic class (Drama club postponed)
-Clean house, get groceries, laundry, blah
-Need to get a new inner tube for my rear bike tire (again!)
-Watch Arabic movie from Ahmed
-Find job/apply for summer internships
-FAFSA application
-Figure out life

Shit. I haven't posted for a year. What have I been doing?

Fadil just got his blog started and I realized that I still have an account with Blogger. It was unsettling to read my two earlier posts and think about how much has changed in a year. I feel like pretty much the same person, but a lot of things around me have changed. Right now, I am at my desk in Bloomington, having graduated from college, without a job and wondering what I am going to do with myself. Not that free time has been a bad thing. The most prevalent questions right now are:

-What career path do I pursue in grad school. Do I do complete a public policy degree? Would this type of work be rewarding?
-How do I preserve my independence in the future, e.g. avoid the ennui of working in middle management?
-Where do I take my personal life?

I think I've gone from too little freedom in school to too much freedom. I don't know what do to with it and I wish that I could strike out in some new direction. Grad school is a return to drudgery in a way, even though I like school much better than I used to.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

What am I doing today?

Right now I am finishing a paper on Emerson. The paper is about the influence of Eastern thought on his writing (focusing mostly on 'The Over-Soul'). Not very enthusiastic about Emerson's philosophy and progress has been very slow. Feeling frustrated. Emerson was a proponent of 'living in the present moment' and I am not doing that right now. I want to go biking later.

Other things on the agenda:
WUTV meeting. We're getting ready to cover the VP Debates!
Need a tire tube... going to Big Shark Bikes later. Stupid for breaking the old tube.
Make dinner.
Plan out golf trip for Monday after next.
Wash clothes?
Peace Corps application?

Why am I keeping a blog?

-I am keeping a blog because I want a place to keep my thoughts. Ideas that I have now will hopefully develop and become more useful later on in life.
-Right now I am a senior in college and after this point my life will be going in less predictable directions.
-Because I have been lucky enough to meet people from all over the world and I am not very good at keeping up these connections.
-I like writing and blogging seems like a good outlet for this. Blogging might also be good for me because I procrastinate a lot.

More on this later...